Bakaroro and Itubori - American Staffordshire Terriers Kennel
Bakaroro and Itubori - American Staffordshire Terriers Kennel
Rambler's Top100


Bakaroro end Itubori Rio Rita

(Raging Moon El Nino De Macho x Bakaroro end Itubori Olivia)

color brindle & white, female, Moscow, birthday 2003-10-15


Contacts: Ph. (+7 095) 767-10-06, (+7 916) 933-86-75

e-mail for dog's owner

Puppies on sale

Puppies on sale, born - 25/03/08

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Created 2008-05-17, updated 2009-01-22

Puppies on Sale

Puppies on Sale, age - 3 months old

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Created 2008-06-24, updated 2009-01-22